Friday, July 31, 2009

Papi PED Guilty???

Been a while, plenty to potentially talk about however, as a sports fan, and most specifically a Red Sox fan, news of David Ortiz testing positive for a PED has absolutely shattered my appreciation for Papi.

Well, come to think of it, that is about as far from the truth to how I really feel. There is little that surprises me when it comes to hearing anything about Baseball players whom have used any PED to "help them heal". We have all by now seen the Mark McGuire, Jose Canseco`s, Barry Bonds etc....circus`, all the time, as each and every individual proclaims their innocence, everyone who has a minimal amount of knowledge of baseball knew all along that these players did not suddenly become giants overnight by hitting the weight room alone.

My question, or opinion is, Who the Hell Cares?? And why would we or do we care? This steroid storyline has long been a bore from day one. I, in no way condone athlete`s who feel the pressure to use any drug to enhance their abilities, often resulting in prolonging a career which essentially would be non-existent without them however, this is such a non-story in my opinion.

What puzzles me is just how much attention this has received, and what does all this attention say about us as a society that we continue to put these athletes on pedestals that most never wanted to be on, and more importantly, should not be on? Why is it that seemingly knowledgeable sports fans even put an athlete or entertainer in the category of "hero"? I have great admiration of athletes who perform at a world class level. I can`t identify with their skills on a personal level as I have never been a world class athlete. I have been a participant in many organized sports, some at a high level, but not close to world class or professional.

Do I really care if Alex Rodriguez was/is juiced? As a fan of the sport, I want to see my team win (trust me, the Yanks aren`t my team), I would like to think that all players on my favourite team are fantastic athletes who do not require any assistance in the form of drugs to be the best. I am not naive though, I am aware, even to this day as testing is done with a touch more frequency, there are always going to be athletes who will take a chance. Who cares?? It is sad that many of these athletes are doing so while risking life threatening health concerns, are doing so to hold onto what could be their last chance at glory of staying in the big leagues. The most negative aspect of all these players getting busted? The kids out there, who see their "hero" continue to acknowledge a standing ovation after a home run, after another strikeout, after another stolen base, and all is forgotten/forgiven. The one`s who are angriest about all this steroid mess are the athletes who competed clean in years past, who are now forced to watch players shatter previously untouchable records with ease. They should be pissed, they should be disgusted, they should be ashamed that the sport they competed in clean has long been polluted with juicers who are making more in a week many of those past greats did in a career.

Pete Rose`s past indiscretions appear like a Disney feel good movie in comparison to the mess that the players and MLB baseball has turned a blind eye to for years now.

If I am seeking a hero to admire, I hope I always seek those who are the real hero`s, Teachers, Doctor`s, and how about the biggest heroes out there, parents. Those will be my personal choices for a hero, not overpaid, juiced, and guilty athletes.


Friday, June 19, 2009

NBC`s Chris Hanson- The New Allen Funt???

Back again, did you truly believe I could capture anyone`s imagination or interest with my opinons/views as to why there are so few Male golfers on the PGA Tour in comparison to the LPGA. Sorry to disappoint.

Let me state for the record that I love TV. I have tastes that range from the home reno shows on HGTV despite my non-existent skills as a renovator, I enjoy seeing things stripped down to nothing (I know what your thinking) and being rebuilt into a great room/home etc...I love sports, comedies, dramas however, there is a show or more specifically a Broadcast Journalist who has irritated/angered me for a while now and I am going to weigh in on my feelings about one Chris Hanson, who`s "To Catch a...." series on NBC has garnered fantastic rating and controversy alike.

Hanson graduated from Michigan State University in 1981 with a Bachelor`s Degree in College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Department of Telecommunications. Sounds impressive to me which is why I have difficulty accepting his most recent ventures into hidden camera stings as puzzling for someone with his background and previous bodies of work.

I recall Hanson a few years back contributing some solid reporting on the Columbine shootings, Oklahoma City Bombings and the Unabomber, not any longer my friends. Hanson has taken his game to a whole new level, one that has him hiding behind walls watching as the authorities swoop in on unsuspecting citizens embroiled in illegal activity. Sounds pretty productive doesn`t it?? Well, to a point, his "Predator" series has exposed many vile characters as they attempt to meet with underage women. Disgusting, revolting and absolutely stomach turning for sure, yet I am somehow left feeling as though Hanson`s presence and that of a TV camera or camera`s recording this process is well..........gutless and sneaky. Hanson would exclaim that this show is taking the bad off the streets, exposing their hideous crimes to the world, and that in itself is a good thing.

I do agree, getting these people off the streets is nothing but positive, but I also feel all this police work, stings as they say in the biz, can all be conducted, and are conducted for the majority of time without the aid of Hanson and his camera`s. As each of these offenders enter the home, begins their contact with the "victim", out pops Hanson, right there in the home, he then springs into verbal action to the unsuspecting offenders. They inevitably run out of the home, right into the waiting arms of the authorities. BRAVO!! Mr. Hanson, again, to catch these individuals is a positive, to videotape this all happening for the nation to watch seems to me as far too easy Journalism. Hanson has been called out by many for his tactics with words such as deceiving and collusion being used to describe this form of Journalism, he stands by his approach of course. Not that Hanson is to blame for this but, in Texas, Louis William Conradt Jr., a district attorney himself, committed suicide after he was exposed in what I am now calling the "Hanson Sting". The SWAT team filed into his home, the camera`s rolling, and Mr. Conradt committed suicide. I can`t help but think, if the investigation of Mr. Conradt had of been done in the usual manner police would conduct this crime, Conradt would be in prison serving his due sentece rather than in a graveyard.

Hanson has officially become in my eyes the "Broadcast Journalist" I respect least, his most recent venture was some laughable "Hanson Sting" stint in Vegas, at one point, a man in handcuffs is being walked to the squad car, Hanson, with all his bravado and humor says to the man, and I am paraphrasing here, "I`d shake your hand but that obviously isn`t possible right now". RIGHT ON CHRIS, MSU should be proud, hell, why don`t you give TMZ a call, that is right up your alley? I love the look on Hanson`s face when these suspects say the words "your that guy who.." in reference to his Predator series. What a moron.

Allen Funt began a series back in the late 40`s on radio called Candid Microphone, which found it`s way onto Television in the form of Candid Camera and has been loved by many. The "Hanson Sting", in my opinion, is not much different from Funt`s popular franchise with one absolute difference, Funt`s series was done for laughter, Hanson`s done for seemingly self pleasing measures and has met with tragic outcomes for some. Truly disappointing that a Journalist/Broadcaster who does have a previously solid resume has resorted to this style of reporting.

That`s all from me today.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

About the Author

Well, it is official, I have introduced myself and my random thoughts to potentially millions of readers. Let`s face it, I`ll be fortunate if this reaches as many as 3 of my closest friends and that will be just fine with me. I have no clue what makes me feel as though I have anything to say, let alone think that anyone within their right mind would read anything that has nothing to say but what the hell.

I will offer absolutely no standard or consistent opinions on any specific subject matter. Sometimes it will be sports, sometimes entertainment, other times, just straight forward babble on current events. I come armed with absolutely no Journalism or Broadcasting credentials, for any stories or opinions I will cite absolutely no legitimate sources as I have none, wouldn`t know where to start to look for them, and frankly, I am just unwilling to put the effort in to legitimize a story. My blog may be viewed by some as pure garbage (likely) or a literary masterpiece (unlikely). All I will promise is that I will be as honest as I can (that itself is questionable). Any legitimate Journalist out there, close your eyes, you are about to witness, or perhaps you already have witnessed, a complete disregard to proper sentece structure combined with a gross misconduct of botched ideas/opinions. Keep your eyes out for my true first entry where I will discuss my opinions or questions about why there are so many fantastic Women professional golfers on the LPGA tour yet the PGA tour hasn`t had a legit player since the days of Isao Aoki.

Riveting stuff, as the name of the blog states.............Mindless Rant

Cheers for now