Sunday, June 14, 2009

About the Author

Well, it is official, I have introduced myself and my random thoughts to potentially millions of readers. Let`s face it, I`ll be fortunate if this reaches as many as 3 of my closest friends and that will be just fine with me. I have no clue what makes me feel as though I have anything to say, let alone think that anyone within their right mind would read anything that has nothing to say but what the hell.

I will offer absolutely no standard or consistent opinions on any specific subject matter. Sometimes it will be sports, sometimes entertainment, other times, just straight forward babble on current events. I come armed with absolutely no Journalism or Broadcasting credentials, for any stories or opinions I will cite absolutely no legitimate sources as I have none, wouldn`t know where to start to look for them, and frankly, I am just unwilling to put the effort in to legitimize a story. My blog may be viewed by some as pure garbage (likely) or a literary masterpiece (unlikely). All I will promise is that I will be as honest as I can (that itself is questionable). Any legitimate Journalist out there, close your eyes, you are about to witness, or perhaps you already have witnessed, a complete disregard to proper sentece structure combined with a gross misconduct of botched ideas/opinions. Keep your eyes out for my true first entry where I will discuss my opinions or questions about why there are so many fantastic Women professional golfers on the LPGA tour yet the PGA tour hasn`t had a legit player since the days of Isao Aoki.

Riveting stuff, as the name of the blog states.............Mindless Rant

Cheers for now

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